Get started with UniDragger

After converting your PDF into flip pages

Drag and drop a predefined HTML5 element and insert your content.

Drag'n Drop Editor

Turn your PDF into an interactive web page!

You have an important job: Get the reader's attention, keep the reader's attention, and get those your readers to do actions as a result of capturing their attention, when they visit your e-publication in responsive HTML5 design.

responsive design on all platforms

Re-imagine your e-publications for web publishing!

Convert your e-publications into an interactive and stunning experience for your readers.

Some advantages - Turn your PDF into flip pages!

  • Get readers to do something when visiting your e-publications.
  • Boost your conversions - make it easy for your visitors to get information and navigate.
  • Interactive web elements turn passive users into active participants.
  • On special holidays or occasions such as Christmas, Easter and holidays - decorate your e-publication just like a web page.
  • Improve your page rank on search engines (i.e. Google, Yahoo and more....

It's easy - Get started in minutes!

  • Convert your PDF into a HTML5 flip page publication in responsive HTML5 design.
  • Change the template layout, and upload your logo, insert welcome text and more...
  • No encoding skills or external programmers required to get started.
  • It's free to get started - Try the system and get online today.

LIVE DEMO: Test some of the interactive web elements below!

This e-publication was converted from a PDF and different web elements were added to the pages.
After editing, you can download all files, and publish the interactive e-publication on your website (url) and web hosting.
Created with UniFlip

Be creative - Build a stunning e-publication with web page elements today!

Turn any PDF into a responsive web page now - it's free.

Start My FREE trial »

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Get inspiration:
See samples of web elements below!

UniDragger - Reimagine your web experience

Get more clients and orders - Be creative!

Win more clients and complete more projects such as converting printed publications (PDF) into responsive and dynamic HTML5 e-publications and web pages in a fast, user-friendly and flexible way.

100% True Responsive HTML5 design!

E-publications in responsive design have only one URL and the same HTML, regardless of the electronic device and browser, which makes it easier for search engines to crawl, index, and organize the content text (SEO), read more...

or, sign in to your account »

Tooltip on mouse-over

Insert tooltip on mouse-over and make your content active on web elements and all part of the page.

Create a popup with UniDragger

Internal page links

Insert page link to other pages in your e-publication (i.e. index), and make the navigation easier for your readers.

Create a popup with UniDragger

Make your e-publication profitable

You can insert ads and link to your advertiser?s web page, or insert a map with an address - Be creative.

Insert web links

Insert web links from images and icons, or another part of your page, and re-direct your readers to more information, or your shopping cart or a specific product page on your own web site.

Image and tooltip

Insert images (also animations) onto all part of the page, and combine with a tooltip to activate your readers.

Create a popup with UniDragger

Insert headlines and text

Insert headlines and text direct onto the pages, and change your printed publication for online use and special occasions.

Create a popup with UniDragger

Insert animation

Animations change your dead PDF into a dynamic e-publication, and make your readers more interested in your content.

Create a popup with UniDragger

Insert web links

Insert a link to a URL(web page), and make the navigation easier for your readers.

The system will make any links inside your PDF active, if you already have embedded links before the upload.

Create pop-up windows

Create dynamic popup windows and provide more information than ever.

Insert images, video, iframe, link and more to engage your users

Create a popup with UniDragger

Insert Vimeo videos.

Make your e-publication a killer - Insert and embed Vimeo directly on the pages or inside a pop-up window.

YouTube videos

Perfect for company presentation, manuals, products, broadcasting and more...

Videos are proven to make your readers more interested in your e-publication.

Even more features are available

We will keep adding new features and new web elements in HTML5 design to your account.

You will get the easiest Drag'n and Drop web tool in the market and will save time, money and resources

Only your creativity sets the limits.

Get started immediately - The system will assign the purchase to your account after the payment.